by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Sep 20, 2021 | Business, Citizenship, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
We get this question a lot. In particular, we field requests from New Zealand Residents or Citizens about how to bring their relatives to NZ from the home country. We often have to say that there is nothing to be done. There is simply not a solution for everybody.... by Sahar Shamia, Senior Solicitor | Sep 7, 2021 | Business, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas, Practice of Law |
New Zealand is facing another lockdown. It is another challenging time of the year for everyone, particularly migrants whose future in New Zealand remains uncertain. I believe there is nothing better to share than a success story of our client’s successful...
by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Oct 28, 2020 | Business, Citizenship, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating economic mayhem internationally, and New Zealand is not immune. At the same time, the international crisis has made this country an increasingly desirable destination – especially to wealthy foreign investors. But there is real... by James Turner, Senior Solicitor | May 14, 2020 | Business, Citizenship, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas, Practice of Law |
As we write, new law relating to Immigration is being discussed in Parliament. Once it has passed through Parliament and has received the Royal Assent, the Immigration (Covid-19 Response) Amendment Bill will make major changes to New Zealand Immigration Law. Details...
by Sahar Shamia, Senior Solicitor | Sep 4, 2019 | Business, Citizenship, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas, Practice of Law |
Immigration New Zealand’s assessment of partnership cases is old fashioned and narrow minded. Uniting families in New Zealand is becoming a mission. As a result, we see families being separated for a good period of time, leaving their kiwi partners and... by James Turner, Senior Solicitor | Jul 10, 2019 | Business, Citizenship, Immigration Appeals, Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas, Politics, Practice of Law |
Legislation is important in the New Zealand immigration context. It is intended to provide a framework for the management of immigration in New Zealand in a way that balances New Zealand’s national interests with international obligations, while protecting New...