Partnership applications: the requirement to be living together
The Lawyers at Laurent Law are frequently asked to assist with bringing a partner to New Zealand. Now the New Zealand border is gradually re-opening, many family members including partners of New Zealanders are able to be reunited in New Zealand. I have previously...
Success Story: How NZ Resident Family Avoided Deportation
. Earlier in the year, I wrote a blog on deportation liability, particularly if the person liable for deportation is a New Zealand Resident Visa holder. Today, I share a successful outcome for a family where the Immigration NZ (INZ) Resolution team decided not to...
First Look at Accredited Employer Work Visa Rules
Immigration New Zealand has just released its Instructions about how companies apply for Accreditation to the immigration industry. They look challenging. It is the culmination of a long-running saga. Three years ago in early 2019 I wrote a blog about this new policy...
The situation in Ukraine: can I help my family?
The world has been shocked by the terrible things that Russia is inflicting upon Ukraine. Even though New Zealand is a long distance away, we are not immune from the impact. For example, the war in Ukraine has been given as one of the reasons why petrol prices are so...
Fraudulent Relationships for Immigration Purposes
It has come to light that migrants are being offered money to fake marriages/relationships to secure Residence under the government's fast-tracked 2021 Resident Visa scheme. A Radio NZ article recently reported that some migrants are offered more than $30,000 to enter...
Including Family in 2021 Resident Visa
Phase 2 of the one-time 2021 Resident Visa scheme ("2021 RV") begins today, Tuesday, 1 March, for most people. About 100,000 eligible Work Visa holders are expected to apply. The sheer volume of cases will amplify an aspect of Immigration Instructions which has been...