Planning to hire a migrant? Now is the time to think ahead and learn more about Immigration NZ proposed changes in mid-2021
On 17 September 2019, the government announced changes to work visas to be gradually implemented from October 2019 to mid-2021. The proposed changes will apply to both migrant workers and employers supporting work visa applications. The government first introduced the...
The Dangers of Faking it in a Visa Application
Do you have have something you do not want INZ to know about, for example a criminal conviction or a health condition? If so, you may feel tempted not to tell INZ about this, or to be dishonest when answering a question on an INZ application form. You may feel that if...
Success Story: Love prevails
Seven months ago, a young couple approached us from overseas after their hopes of living together in NZ were almost crushed. Immigration NZ’s assumptions and failure to keep an open mind when assessing the partnership application resulted in them making a lot of...
Can I give up (renounce) my New Zealand citizenship?
We have been approached by a few clients recently who have expressed a wish to give up ("renounce") their New Zealand citizenship. Why would someone want to renounce their New Zealand citizenship? Wanting to renounce New Zealand citizenship can seem counter-intuitive,...
Opportunity Knocks – But Is New Zealand Answering?
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating economic mayhem internationally, and New Zealand is not immune. At the same time, the international crisis has made this country an increasingly desirable destination - especially to wealthy foreign investors. But there is real danger...
Success Story: Avoiding Deportation and Family Separation
The year 2020 has been the most challenging in decades. With all the covid-19 issues of 2020, I believe there is nothing better to share than a success story of uniting a couple after Immigration NZ (“INZ”) almost tore the family apart. A kiwi mother of two children...