Bringing your cat or dog to New Zealand
Usually here at Laurent Law we assist human beings with their immigration questions, concerns and problems, but you may be interested to know there is also quite a detailed process for cats and dogs to be able to come to New Zealand too. The Ministry for Primary...
South Island Adventures
After many months of cancelled flights and delays due to lockdowns and travel restrictions, we finally made it down to the picturesque Queenstown. I would go as far as to say that it is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. We started our journey flying from...
Family Separation v Travel Exemption
As we know, the New Zealand border is currently closed to almost all travellers to help stop the spread of COVID-19. There are some exemptions to the closure: If you qualify as someone to whom the border closure does not apply; Immigration NZ consider that you have a...
Immigration – again a hot topic in the lead up to the General election
New Zealand will hold a General Election on 19 September 2020 and the date is approaching fast. Political parties are positioning themselves in order to win votes, including on the issue of immigration. The New Zealand First party says it will cap immigration numbers...
Work Visas – the Moving Playing Field
Among all the noise about the NZ border closure, the separation of families, and the difficulties in getting into the country, some dramatic changes to Work Visa settings have sneaked up on us. One Threshold to Rule Them All Since August 2017, employer-assisted Work...
Unlawful children and their right to attend school
There are various reasons why parents or caregivers cannot renew their visas. As a result, they have become unlawful in New Zealand, and their children become unlawful as well. We have come across situations where parents’ visas have expired because they are unable to...