Set Up By the System – Think Ahead
If you and your family are planning to migrate it’s important to walk through all the possible eventualities. There are no doubt lots of cases where people are enticed to stay in New Zealand but are let down at the bitter end, even having disclosed potential...
Stay completely out of trouble to get Permanent Residence ASAP
We sometimes get asked for assistance by people who have got their Residence and want to apply for Permanent Residence Visa (PRV) but find they are prevented by a real fish hook in the Immigration Act – section 161. People with Residence who are charged and convicted...
“Too Qualified to Live in NZ”?
A recent NZ Herald article highlights some of the nonsensical policy, and how it is being applied, in the immigration sphere. I suppose I shouldn't complain - it's the sort of madness which people come to lawyers to protect them from. I mention this news article...
Skilled Migrant Residence – More Traps for the Unwary
There are many ways to slip up in the Skilled Migrant application process for NZ Residence. Your whole application can be declined solely because you did not declare some minor crime - no matter how small. A recent enquiry which I received highlighted the dangers. ...
Employers Tripped Up by Essential Skills Visas
Employers are coming to us for help because they can't keep the same migrant workers whom they have come to rely upon for the success of their business. Their job hasn't changed, but Work Visas that used to be approved without too much trouble are now being declined...
“Guard Pacific’s triple star” – at any cost!
I've just seen something really stupid. It came in the form of leaflets dropped in their hundreds nearby the recent WOMAD Festival at New Plymouth by a group calling itself Right Wing Resistance. The leaflets call for people and supplies in order to mount an Armed...