Skilled Migrant Residence – It’s Hard, but Easy Too
If you're thinking about applying for Skilled Migrant Residence, there's one big message here - get a job offer first. Then, so long as you score 100 points, put your application in. Technically, you can start the Skilled Migrant process without a job or an offer of...
It’s here – the new Business Visa Policy
Further to a previous post giving early warning of the sudden shut-down of the Long Term Business Visa policy in December 2013, the new replacement Instructions have now been unveiled. They open on 24 March 2014. It's a points-based system in which you have to score...
The Dope on NZ Border Control
I just heard something really stupid. It's a story about how telling the truth to the wrong people can be dangerous. Someone from a well-known European country - a country that made it to the semi-finals of the 2011 Rugby World Cup - was in New Zealand on a Working...
NZ Parent Residence – Where is it at?
In 2012 Immigration New Zealand changed its Residence category for NZ Citizens and Residents to sponsor their parents for Residence. That option may be up for grabs again soon. There are 2 streams of Parent Residence: Tier 1, which allows parents who can bring a lot...
PRE-RELEASE – New Business Visa Policy
This has not yet been publicly been released by the Minister of Immigration. The Long Term Business Visa policy is to be replaced by a new "Entrepreneur Work Visa", as I alerted readers in a recent post.So what's the big change? For one thing, people who want to get...
Drink driving, Residence and Deportation
A lot of people are being caught recently by a section of the law which allows Immigration to try to deport Residents who have committed very minor offences. It's quite easy to get into trouble like this, and a lot harder to get out. There are lots of ways to get...