The consequences of failing to maintain your Resident Visa Status
There are many privileges of being a New Zealand Resident Visa holder. There are also obligations that attach to this status which, for the most part, are easy enough to abide by. However, it has come to our attention recently that there have been several cases where...
Houston we have lift-off! The future is here.
We are moving with the times at Laurent Law. We heard when you asked for a better and easier way to book your appointments. Our online booking system is designed to make it easy for you to book a date and time that suits you. The system has been in operation for a few...
Oh no! … I have a drink driving conviction! What does this mean for my Residence status or application?
From time to time at Laurent Law we meet someone who has a drink driving conviction. Usually this person is very worried about what getting this type of conviction means for their ability to remain in New Zealand. In this blog I describe the consequences of a drink...
Success Story – Becoming lawful after 14 years without a valid visa
Last year my colleague, James Turner, posted a video blog on Section 61 requests. It explains what constitutes a legal status in New Zealand and the options available to those who are unlawfully in the country. A person becomes unlawful if they remain in New Zealand...
Active Investor Plus Resident Visa – Part 2
My blog last week gave a first taste of the new "AI+" Resident Visa scheme, and the types of New Zealand investments which qualify. What follows are some specific pieces of insight about how to work with the policy and to avoid some potential traps. Holding...
Active Investor Plus Resident Visa – Part 1
On Monday 19 September, Immigration finally released the new rules around how to apply for NZ Residence as an offshore investor. It's called Active Investor Plus ("AI+"). We knew this was coming because it was announced in very general terms in July. But we wanted to...