by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Jul 31, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
If there is a trend for Immigration New Zealand to refuse foreign nationals the ability to board planes based on a concern about their intentions, this is not surprising. We were alerted to this risk in a case from 2014 where Immigration New Zealand told someone over... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 30, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas |
We posted on Facebook yesterday about the changes to Immigration. It’s an interesting article from the Herald and it’s going to be a talking point for some time. So I’ve put together my thoughts on the matter and jotted them down below. It’s a... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 1, 2015 | Immigration Visas |
This month I have been featured in Franchise Magazine. The article covers Work Visas, Residence and Entrepreneur Pathways to Residence. It’s a great read for anyone who is confused about the way Immigration works or those that are considering putting in... by bmilnes2015 | Apr 29, 2015 | Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
One of the most critical documents in an employer-based work visa or SMC application is the Position Description (PD), aka Job Description. The PD must show in detail, exactly what your job entails and INZ will cross-reference your PD to the tasks identified in ANZSCO...