by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Apr 19, 2017 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas, Politics |
Within the space of 24 hours, the Governments of both Australia and New Zealand have announced changes to their immigration policies. They claim to be addressing the needs of their respective labour markets, but there’s probably a bit of political self-interest in... by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Jan 10, 2017 | Business, Immigration Visas |
Maybe the shock of the recent Presidential election has worn off enough now for people to give serious thought to cutting their ties with the US. Some US nationals living in New Zealand said that they were thinking about taking up New Zealand Citizenship in... by bmilnes2015 | Nov 9, 2016 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas |
Shakespeare said, ‘A Rose by any other name, would smell as sweet.’ (There is even an IELTS question on it!) And employers have been known to ‘promote’ a person to a ‘new’ position, to avoid increasing pay. In immigration, the job title is like the rose. It doesn’t... by bmilnes2015 | Oct 12, 2016 | Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
The media has in the last week made much of the first human trafficking convictions in NZ. The article quotes well known immigration lawyer Richard Small as stating that the case is just ‘the tip of the iceberg’. In another article, the headline reads The dark... by bmilnes2015 | Sep 22, 2016 | Immigration Industry |
In July, I wrote about the Case of the Health Care Assistant. After an unnecessarily complex and expensive process by INZ which was eventually sorted out after a formal complaint, I’m delighted to confirm that our client has been granted her work visa. Unfortunately,...