We are well and truly into 2015 now and that means that a lot of you will be feeling the pressure and the stress of work. Luckily we have a few links to tips and tricks to de-stress during the work week!

1. 16 Tips for Shaking Of Stress
Make the most of  the healthy recipes and the apps suggested in this amazing article that will help you find a bit of zen in developing a routine for the week.

De-stress for the work week

2. How to Deal with Stress: 33 Tips that Work

These tips are great little nuggets that you can apply to situations through the week. You’ll love the suggestion that you are allowed to make time for relaxation even when you’re busy.

De-stress at work

3. 12 Ways to Eliminate Stress at Work
If you find you have rage issues while in the office, these tips and tricks will help you take a step back and take stock of the situation and what you can do to change or fix it for yourself.

De-stress at work

4. 10 Scents that Could Actually Make Today’s Work Day Better
Smells can be calming and other factors in your environment can effect your mood and stress levels so use this quick guide to finding soothing smells to keep you stress free this work week.

de-stress for work

We hope you have a stress free week, from all of us here at Laurent Law.