Houston we have lift-off! The future is here.

We are moving with the times at Laurent Law. We heard when you asked for a better and easier way to book your appointments. Our online booking system is designed to make it easy for you to book a date and time that suits you. The system has been in operation for a few...
Can I Still Come to New Zealand?

Can I Still Come to New Zealand?

For most overseas people, the answer is “No”. The border is closed to contain the spread of Covid-19. But there are some exceptions, and you might qualify. In particular, I will talk about requests to come in on humanitarian grounds, and entry of...

Introduction to Roxanne Whyte

We love it when a plan comes together. The final piece of the puzzle is now in place. Laurent Law went through a number of changes in the last few months. It all started with a new office and a different way of operating which is more client and result focused. In the...

Bill Milnes Explores Wellington

Question – Why go to Wellington for a Tattoo? Answer – As George Mallory said about Mt Everest, “Because it’s there”. But I’m referring to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo which was in Wellington for 4 days in February – but more of that later. We decided to...