Is Bill Liu, the Chinese multi-millionaire, a criminal? Why was his citizenship granted by politicians against the advice of the Dep’t of Internal Affairs?

In response to an article in the NZ Herald last week, Radio NZ asked us for comment on the matter. We sent Bill Milnes to have a chat with Jim Mora about the China extradition treaty. You can listen to the podcast here.

In brief, Bill’s response, which has received very supportive comments from other immigration specialists, is:

  • The immigration and DIA processes are adequate and consistent, except when politicians and big $s compromise the ability of government officials to do their jobs.
  • Government seems to have the focus of grabbing every short-term dollar it can, just so it can ‘balance the books’ at any cost.
  • The situation is seen daily in the rip-off of the international student market
  • We are not told why Mr Liu is one of China’s most wanted, other than the allegation that he stole millions when he was in charge of a pharmaceutical company.
  • What apparently is clear, is that he has been a strong supporter over many years of the Falun Gong movement. This is the organisation which the Chinese government has banned and is ‘determined to defeat’.

*Please note Bill’s comments and views do not necessarily represent those of Laurent Law.