“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee”
[If you don't get the musical reference in the title, Google 'Tom Petty'.] People trying to find a way to stay in New Zealand sometimes get the idea that they can get themselves a visa by applying for asylum. Of course, there are some who have a good refugee case, and...
The reopening of the Parent Resident Visa Category – are you eligible?
The parent residence scheme was reopened in early 2020. It allows New Zealand citizens or residents to sponsor their parents for residence. With border closures after Covid-19, this policy was put on hold until 12 October 2022. Immigration New Zealand ("INZ")...
Partnership Visas Explained
I am a Senior Solicitor at Laurent Law Barristers and Solicitors located in Auckland, New Zealand. In my latest video blog, I explore the different options available under the Partnership Visa banner. It is important to understand the requirements to qualify for a...
Solutions for Overstayers
I am a Senior Solicitor at Laurent Law Barristers and Solicitors located in Auckland, New Zealand. In my latest video blog, I explore options for those who find themselves in the unfortunate position of being in New Zealand without a valid visa. It is a good idea to...
I want to invest in New Zealand under the new ‘Active Investor’ category. Please explain, what is a ‘direct investment’?
My Principal Simon Laurent, was recently quoted in a Radio New Zealand article regarding Immigration New Zealand's new Active Investor category, announced by the Minister of Immigration and the Minister of Economic and Regional Development in September 2022. This new...
So You Want To Migrate To New Zealand?
From left to right: Simon Laurent, Sahar Shamia and James Turner We recently published an editorial in the Australia & New Zealand Magazine, issue number 192. There's a lot to think about and to do to make this dream a reality. Our editorial is aimed at citizens...