Modern Love and New Zealand Visas
The romantic ideal of just one spouse or partner, to have and to hold as long as you both shall live, seems nowadays to be more the exception than the rule. For all sorts of reasons, people move on to a second or third long-term relationships - or even more. As many...
How To Get NZ Residence
In my latest video blog I provide a simplified overview of the main ways to apply for Residence in New Zealand. Book your appointment ( now to explore your...
Medicals and Police Certificates
There are a number of technical rules dictating when Medicals and Police Certificates must be provided with a visa application. My latest video Blog unpacks the requirements and clarifies essential aspects to be aware of.
“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee”
[If you don't get the musical reference in the title, Google 'Tom Petty'.] People trying to find a way to stay in New Zealand sometimes get the idea that they can get themselves a visa by applying for asylum. Of course, there are some who have a good refugee case, and...
The reopening of the Parent Resident Visa Category – are you eligible?
The parent residence scheme was reopened in early 2020. It allows New Zealand citizens or residents to sponsor their parents for residence. With border closures after Covid-19, this policy was put on hold until 12 October 2022. Immigration New Zealand ("INZ")...
Partnership Visas Explained
I am a Senior Solicitor at Laurent Law Barristers and Solicitors located in Auckland, New Zealand. In my latest video blog, I explore the different options available under the Partnership Visa banner. It is important to understand the requirements to qualify for a...