A recent article in the New Zealand Herald made me realise once more how fragile our lives can become. The story of the English woman who can’t work in Australia but can’t leave to go back to the UK will be all too common in some ways and won’t be limited to Australia. As an immigrant myself, I am well aware of the emotions and stresses associated with immigrating. A lot was said about immigration and the pros and cons of allowing people who were born elsewhere to work and live in this country. When you place yourself in the shoes of those who desperately want to make a better life for themselves, the perspective changes.

It is so that not everyone who wants to live and work here should be allowed to do so. It is fair to say that any country should have a selection criteria by which suitable candidates are screened and ultimately accepted or declined. These selection criteria hardly ever convey the full story of those desperate to live free of crime and violence, close to their children; or seek stability for themselves and a future for their children. On top of this they often offer skills that will contribute to the economy of the country where they choose to settle. It sounds like a win-win situation for all parties concerned but it doesn’t always work out that way.

Sometimes ruthless people who watch from the side-lines see an opportunity to enrich themselves at the expense of these willing immigrants. All too often people are so keen on making the move that they forget to do their homework properly. A Look-See-and-Decide trip to the country of choice cannot provide all the answers. A lot must happen between deciding to leave your country of birth and getting that all-important visa in your passport. It is all about understanding the risks, getting the right advice and doing things the right way. All too often uninformed intentions lead to heartache and the disastrous outcome of having to return to your country of birth without that visa.

We regularly find desperate clients on the brink of having to leave this beautiful country because they did not approach the immigration process correctly. I like to refer to a proper approach as the 3 steps to a happy immigration:

  • Firstly you will need to get the right information. It is advisable to obtain this from a suitably qualified and well trusted source;
  • Secondly you will need to invest in your future. It will cost money to move and apply for the visas to allow you to work and stay. You will also require settlement funds to find your feet on the other side; and
  • Thirdly you will have to understand and deal with the emotional turmoil that this process will dump on you.

It could be the best or worst decision of your life. Policies constantly change, which can be a game changer for your dreams. Make sure you get it right by doing it right. Contact us for trusted and accurate immigration guidance so the process can be the stuff that dreams are made of. What you need is someone who will be honest enough to tell you what you can do and can’t do. It is better to know from the start whether this is doable or not.