by bmilnes2015 | Jul 30, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas |
We posted on Facebook yesterday about the changes to Immigration. It’s an interesting article from the Herald and it’s going to be a talking point for some time. So I’ve put together my thoughts on the matter and jotted them down below. It’s a... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 22, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas |
Yes, when one of our South Island hydro canals started to degrade, Genesis Energy needed to bring in over 40 specialists to install lining material in the canal. You can read more here. The installers were of a number of nationalities and at time of their work visa... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 9, 2015 | Immigration Appeals, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
The voice on the phone said, “We are a specialist IT company developing a new app which is growing rapidly in NZ and we have the opportunity to export it to the USA and other countries”. He continued, “We have found this IT expert in South America, but INZ declined... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 1, 2015 | Immigration Visas |
This month I have been featured in Franchise Magazine. The article covers Work Visas, Residence and Entrepreneur Pathways to Residence. It’s a great read for anyone who is confused about the way Immigration works or those that are considering putting in... by bmilnes2015 | Apr 29, 2015 | Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
One of the most critical documents in an employer-based work visa or SMC application is the Position Description (PD), aka Job Description. The PD must show in detail, exactly what your job entails and INZ will cross-reference your PD to the tasks identified in ANZSCO...