by Erica, Office Administrator | Aug 12, 2015 | Office Update |
August is here and so is the freezing weather in Auckland. If you’re anything like us, your cars will also be covered in frost and your windows will be icy but it’s a sign that it’s near the end and it’s nearly spring. Hopefully we’re... by Simon Laurent, Principal, Laurent Law Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland | Jul 31, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Problems, Immigration Visas |
If there is a trend for Immigration New Zealand to refuse foreign nationals the ability to board planes based on a concern about their intentions, this is not surprising. We were alerted to this risk in a case from 2014 where Immigration New Zealand told someone over... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 30, 2015 | Immigration Industry, Immigration Visas |
We posted on Facebook yesterday about the changes to Immigration. It’s an interesting article from the Herald and it’s going to be a talking point for some time. So I’ve put together my thoughts on the matter and jotted them down below. It’s a... by bmilnes2015 | Jul 1, 2015 | Immigration Visas |
This month I have been featured in Franchise Magazine. The article covers Work Visas, Residence and Entrepreneur Pathways to Residence. It’s a great read for anyone who is confused about the way Immigration works or those that are considering putting in... by bmilnes2015 | Jun 24, 2015 | Business |
SK has established a tourism business targeting a small, but wealthy and influential clientele of Koreans in South Korea, Japan and USA and bringing them to NZ on short one and two week tours. Each tour is specifically focused on a particular area of Korean culture...