We are moving with the times at Laurent Law. We heard when you asked for a better and easier way to book your appointments. Our online booking system is designed to make it easy for you to book a date and time that suits you. The system has been in operation for a few months now and the response has been very positive.
We thought we’d give you a rundown in case you aren’t familiar with it as yet. The advantages will blow your mind:
1. You don’t have to phone us to book your appointment.
2. We require some personal details from you, which you don’t have to try to explain to someone on the other end of the phone line. We know it can be difficult and stressful to get the message across. I myself have an unusual name and surname, which I always have to spell. Don’t get me started on my email address. To top it off my accent is a little different too. I personally prefer an online booking system to avoid the hassle. This way you type what we need in your own time and just press the button when you are done.
3. You can choose between an in-office or online appointment. We know that the traffic in Auckland can be a pain sometimes. You can avoid it if you want.
4. We usually have two lawyers to meet with you. They have a lot of experience between them, which they combine to provide you with the best advice and a recommendation for the way forward.
5. We do charge a consultation fee but this fee will be deducted from a quote for services to be provided if we agree that there is a way forward and more work to be done.
6. We know that life is always a rush and a little bit unpredictable. If you can’t make your appointment for whatever reason, you can move it yourself. You don’t even have to phone us.
7. Once you book your appointment, you receive a confirmation via email. If you booked an online appointment, you receive a link to join the meeting. You don’t have to download any software. You can just click on the link to join.
8. If you want someone else to join the online meeting from another location you can simply send the confirmation with the link to them.
9. We like to have as much background as possible so we can prepare for the appointment. We love it when you send us the relevant information/documentation in advance. This means we can get to the core issues during the appointment.
10. You can discuss your immigration needs and issues with our lovely team in confidence and know that we have your best interests at heart.
We offer four alternative appointment options. You access the options via our website. Investors can choose between an online or in office appointment. For general enquiries you can choose between an online or in office appointment too.
Why can’t everything in life be this simple? Book an appointment now. We would love to hear from you because we know we can help.