Hydro Canals are Lined with PCV
Yes, when one of our South Island hydro canals started to degrade, Genesis Energy needed to bring in over 40 specialists to install lining material in the canal. You can read more here. The installers were of a number of nationalities and at time of their work visa...
Staff Profile: Simon Laurent, Principal
Today we're catching up with our Principal, Simon Laurent. Simon is the top dog here at Laurent Law and a lovely man to work for. He is passionate about his work and his wine and he cares deeply for those around him. He's taken the time to answer our 10 questions and...
Client Stories: IT Specialist
The voice on the phone said, “We are a specialist IT company developing a new app which is growing rapidly in NZ and we have the opportunity to export it to the USA and other countries”. He continued, “We have found this IT expert in South America, but INZ declined...
The Long Long Wait for NZ Police Checks
The New Zealand Herald recently highlighted a current delay by the NZ Police in producing police checks. The story pointed out that this has created problems for schools because teachers can't be vetted in time for them to be legally allowed to teach. The other big...
Immigration Rules Explained in Franchise Magazine
This month I have been featured in Franchise Magazine. The article covers Work Visas, Residence and Entrepreneur Pathways to Residence. It's a great read for anyone who is confused about the way Immigration works or those that are considering putting in applications...
Client Tales // A Unique Tourism Venture
SK has established a tourism business targeting a small, but wealthy and influential clientele of Koreans in South Korea, Japan and USA and bringing them to NZ on short one and two week tours. Each tour is specifically focused on a particular area of Korean culture...