It’s officially 2015 and New Zealand appears to be in the middle of a heat wave. Unfortunately we at Laurent Law are not packing our towels and a picnic for the beach but we did enjoy the long weekend and tried to make the most of the sunshine.

Laurent Law 2015

We’ve settled back into work after the crazy rush of the festive season.
The first two weeks of the working year were spent craving trifle at my desk and resisting the urge to have that afternoon nap that I became so fond of during the holiday. Simon, Marinda and myself did pretty well in our efforts to get back to the grind stone in those weeks and are now well and truly ready for another holiday!
Stephan returned on 19th January after a trip back home to South Africa where I’m told he behaved like a tourist and took advantage of all the country has to offer. We’re pleased to have him back at his desk although we do catch him staring wistfully out of the window every now and then.
As for Bill, he is currently on leave but will join us again on 9th February. Unbeknownst to him, we have stolen all of his fans and do not intend on returning them any time soon as the temperature in the office continues to climb.

There are a few new ways of keeping in touch and up to date with Laurent Law in 2015 so please make sure you’re aware of them and don’t miss out on anything.
You can sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

From the team here at Laurent Law we hope you had a happy, safe and merry summer and we look forward to making 2015 a fantastic year.